Tag - mariadb


How to Install MariaDB in cPanel/WHM

Installation Steps for installing MariaDB on Cpanel server. Easy steps. Step 1: Backup existing MySQL data Make sure to save all existing data just in case there are any issues. cp -Rf /var/lib/mysql /var/lib/mysql-old mv /etc/my.cnf /etc/my.cnf-old Step 2: Disable the targets so cPanel no longer handles MySQL updates The following will mark the versions of MySQL we distribute as uninstalled so they are no longer maintained by cPanel/WHM /scripts/update_local_rpm_versions –edit target_settings.MySQL50 uninstalled /scripts/update_local_rpm_versions –edit target_settings.MySQL51 uninstalled /scripts/update_local_rpm_versions –edit target_settings.MySQL55 uninstalled Step 3: Remove existing MySQL RPM’s so theres [...]