

Issue related with WORDPRESS :: XMLRPC.PHP ATTACK!

WordPress is the most targeted CMS nowadays and needs to be updated regularly. Recently I have seen attacks on wordpress :: xmlrpc.php using POST requests and the attack is large enough to take down / freeze the server. The top or ps aufxw shows most of the xmlrpc.php requests as below : successroute4414 1.3 0.4 85512 35544 ? R 20:57 0:00 | \_ /usr/bin/php /home/successroute/public_html/wordpress/xmlrpc.php nobody 3876 0.0 0.1 25936 10852 ? S 20:52 0:00 \_ /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k start -DSSL successroute 4413 1.3 0.4 [...]


How to Increase the Size of the Logical Volume ?

Follow the steps below to increase the size of the logical volume and allocate additional space on one of your partitions. Once logged in, type df -h at the command prompt and hit ENTER. The partition and logical volume sizes will be listed including the used disk space. In the image below, the var logical volume is 4GB. Assume that ~9GB of web content will be uploaded to the /var folder. The disk space needs to be increased before there [...]


Facts about Server Management Service Providers

Server management or managed service provider is in short a type of IT service company that allow users to outsource their servers, network and other hardware appliances under a delivery agreement between two parties. Most of the server providers provide managed services for their own server but some not, So you need to look for a third party provider. The third party provider owns the physical back-end infrastructure with adequate man power and provide resources to end users remotely [...]


How to repair mail server configuration on plesk server ?

Use mchk utility to repair/rebuild mail server configuration and restore settings for all mailboxes created in Parallels Plesk Panel. /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/mchk --help Restore settings for all mailboxes. Usage: /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/mchk [OPTION] OPTIONS: --without-spam restore all settings except for SpamAssassin configuration --with-spam restore all settings --spam-only restore only SpamAssassin settings Usage example: /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/mchk --with-spam If you have any problems or looking for support, please send your emails at :: admin@24×


What is the MySQL root password on plesk server?

What is The root password for MySQL on plesk server? On server with Parallels Plesk Panel versions 8.x, 9.x and above admin password is stored in file /etc/psa/.psa.shadow. Use the following command to get the password: cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow Since version 10 admin password stored in file /etc/psa/.psa.shadow is encrypted. Use the following command to get admin password in plain text: /usr/local/psa/bin/admin --show-password Despite version of Parallels Plesk Panel you may use the following command to login to mysql with root privileges: mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` In [...]


How to Reset SolusVM Admin Password

If you have lost your SolusVM admin password you can reset it via an SSH session on the master. The following command will show how to reset solusvm admin password. php /usr/local/solusvm/scripts/pass.php –type=admin –comm=change –username=<ADMINUSERNAME> You will get an output similar to this: New password: Wc7Q0EbVFUasJ4j   Hope this helps. You can contact us if you need any assistance with Solusvm Xen, KVM based servers.


CloudLinux management on cPanel server

Installation You can download latest CloudLinux ISO and use it to install CloudLinux on your server: Latest stable CloudLinux 6.4 ISO:   x86_64 version: Please search ISO on Google i386 version: Please search Latest ISO on Google If you want to convert your existing server to CloudLinux you need to get CloudLinux activation key from. Get <activation_key> either by getting trial subscription or by purchasing subscription. You can download CloudLinux Converting scripts here and convet your server through folllowing command wget sh cldeploy -k [...]


Completely Uninstall cloudlinux from cpanel server

How to completely remove cloudlinux from cpanel server. You can always uninstall CloudLinux. In this case, we will ‘convert’ the system back to CentOS. Even if the original system was RHEL — we will still convert to ‘CentOS’ state. Following this will be done: 1.LVE related packages will be removed 2.CloudLinux repositories & yum plugin will be removed 3.CentOS repositories will be setup At the end, script will provide instructions on how to finish the conversion back to CentOS. That will require removal of CloudLinux [...]


Configure multiple shared IP’s in WHM

It is not possible to add multiple shared IP’s from WHM but it is possible to do it from SSH. First of all we need to create a /var/cpanel/mainips/ directory if it is not present. mkdir /var/cpanel/mainips/ Then we have to create a file. vi /var/cpanel/mainips/root Add all IP’s into it. save the file and quit. Now login to WHM and check the IP’s Home>>IP Functions>>Show/Edit Reserved IPs  


Understanding Linux server services

Some common web related services running on a Linux server are, but not limited to, include: httpd (Apache), mysqld (MySQL), vsftpd (Very Secure FTP), named (BIND), iptables (packet filtering ruleset), sshd (Secure Shell), network (network related services) and various others. Usually these services are started at boot time. To check what services are installed on the server, you can use the chkconfig tool. For example: [root@server ~]# chkconfig –list sshd                  0:off    1:off    2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off webmin           [...]