

The Thing – WordPress Security

No !! its not about John Carpenter’s 1982 horror movie  ( The Thing). But its about the horror things we terribly face with our wordpress websites getting infected and running malwares-spywares or sending outgoing port scanning attacks to remote networks. It’s not just about creating a professional website, I think its high time we understand what is more required for your wordpress website to prevent such attacks and doing the right things. Developing a wordpress site is very popular these [...]


Major differences between Windows server 2008R2 and 2012

         When compared to Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012 makes optimum use of the power, resources while taking security factors into the consideration. Companies have already preferred virtual platform over a physical one when it comes to money. Windows Server 2012 delivers flexibility, scalability, availability to work with the virtualized environment. The article written below lists the prominent comparison factors for these 2 server operating systems. Hardware Specifications Maximum hardware specification with windows Server 2012 provides 4x more [...]


How to create OLAP Cube using SQL server Analysis services

Business analysts or managers often need to take some meaningful business decisions to monitor the growth of their organization and achieve higher profits. Before taking strategic decisions, it is important to analyze the data gathered from disparate sources; for example, OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) systems. In an OLTP, multiple transactions are processed in real time. For example, when you place an online order, you provide your credit card details. If the details are valid, money is transferred from your [...]


Easy Steps to Install MongoDB on Cpanel server

MongoDB is an open-source document database designed for easy of development and scaling. For more information please visit , You can also download the linux tar file for manual installation as per your customized needs. Today i had a chance to install MongoDB on one of our cpanel based server so just wanted to write down how its installed. Note: This was installed on CentOS release 6.7 (Final) Cpanel based server. Installing it with the yum manager was lot [...]


How to Secure Mysql server on Cpanel

Mysql is one of most popular database server widely used on Linux operating system.  Its very robust and offers many features to support today’s database needs for all kind of applications, whether its related with Joomla based content management system, WordPress sites, Magento application, E-commerce based applications and many more, they all work great with Mysql server. Being integrated with Cpanel its makes more easier to manage mysql databases with ease. Today I am going to discuss few points on [...]


Important Log files on cpanel server

Its very important to know the location of logs for troubleshooting and investigating the issues. Logs help us to understand the nature of problem.  This info-graphics will cover the location of logs for various services like Cpanel, Apache, Exim, Mysql and FTP server. The following log file information shows system related logs location, secure login logs, audit logs and most important server logs which is /var/log/messages. Apache Logs Apache is the most popular web server and comes by default on cpanel based [...]


Get cPanel, Go Proactive with first-class control

Enterprises are looking at Linux Servers for hassle-free IT solutions and business growth. Servers need to be up and running on a 24×7 basis for greater business visibility and continuity. Be it Virtual Private Servers or a high-performance dedicated system, server hosts, vendors and clients require an easy to use control panel for various server functions and features. cPanel is one of the most powerful, reliable and intuitive control panel for Linux Servers. It’s just awesome !! The power of [...]


Install FFMPEG On CentOS

This is the latest method of installing FFMPEG on Centos server. All the command line given below includes latest softwares and working URL’s.   Follow the given instructions carefully and if you have any problems contact us. 1) Check which OS version you are using. cat /etc/redhat-release 2). Create a directory to for source file compilations cd /usr/local/src mkdir ffmpeg cd ffmpeg 3) Install yum repo for the FFMPEG rpm -Uhv 4) Install all necessary packages with repo which we have installed in last steps yum [...]

high cpu load

High Server Load

Its often seen that many times your server comes under high load and at some stage you are not even able to access shell or WHM panel. So the only option left is to reboot the server and once the server comes up the load  comes normal leaving you wondering what was causing high load. Today i am going to show you some of the ways on how to trouble shoot and anaylze the high load problem. You need to be cautious and start [...]


How to install SQL Server Management Studio

The most popular SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is Microsoft official and recommended client user interface which can be used to manage, configure, deploy SQL Server instance and database objects.  The studio interface is very user friendly and comprehensive. It is shipped with every SQL Server version and is regularly updated and enhanced. If you are planning on learning how to use SQL Server from scratch, consider using SQL Server Management studio as a first step on your journey  on [...]