
WordPress Website Security Steps

Protect your WordPress website in 10 simple steps.

Recently we encountered a situation where one of our client’s website was compromised. The website is a WordPress website with third party plugins installed as per the sites requirement. The hack was noticed when we checked the LFD alerts of AUTHRELAY and found spamming was being initiated from the server. We were quick to notice the alerts generated for the website and then started our investigation. Upon investigation we tried to login into WordPress admin area, but were unable to [...]


Know if disk is a SSD or normal HDD

  In many cases, we have found servers having mixed type of disks, SSD for operating systems and normal large HDD for storage, so how to differentiate which disk is SSD and which one is not? Here’s how it can be detected:     For Linux Operating Systems:     There are 2 methods:Method 1: Use of lsblk..Use command lsblk -o name,rota and it will give a block list with ROTA value as 1 or 0 (1 for Normal HDD and 0 for SSD).     NAME [...]

VoIP Voice Over IP

What is VOIP ? How to Install Asterisk VOIP

What is VOIP ? You may have started hearing the term VOIP more in more in recent years, the reason is because it is quickly becoming a widely utilized tool for communication. VOIP or Voice over Internet Protocol, is an alternative to traditional phone technology that utilized the internet for voice communications rather than phone lines and mobile cell towers. It has become a popular option for companies, as it enables any business with broadband internet access to a flexible platform for [...]

cPanel to DirectAdmin Migration

cPanel to Directadmin Migration Guide

cPanel to Directadmin Migration Guide Since the license cost for cPanel has been increased, Many users are finding it difficult to digest the new license cost from cpanel. We have been getting many requests for cpanel migration to directadmin servers and have been actively supporting  the migrations for our clients. However its best to share this migration procedure with the users who are looking to migrate their servers towards direct-admin. Click the given link below. Cpanel to DirectAdmin Migration Steps This simple [...]


Benefits of using Dedicated IP for your website

It’s always better to take a static IP address for your website if you are really serious about your websites reputation and business identity. A static IP provides lots of benefits in terms of mail availability, DNS and obviously making use of SSL certificates like wildcard SSL or Green bar SSL. However, the major benefit of using static IP is for “Mails”. Emails sent from your domain or website will be from your own IP instead of shared IP [...]


PCI Compliance Checklist – How to resolve Vulnerabilities.

What is actually PCI Complaince and why it is required? The PCI (Payment Card Industry) is a data security standard that must be followed by all the financial institutions, credit card companies, Payment gateway and merchants those are processing the online card payments. The server, computer or any other IP equipment’s processing these data by MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Visa, and JCB International must compliance with these Data Security Standards.  PCI scan is very essentials and should meet these Data [...]


MySQL Monitoring Tools.

Revolutionize MySQL Monitoring With These 5 Cutting Edge Tools Monitoring the performance metrics of the MySQL database on a regular basis will help it to run smoothly and flawlessly. As a matter of fact, it is feasible to get a real-time insight into the performance and health of the database by measuring some essential metrics. Fortunately, there are quite a few MySQL monitoring tools at present which will help to make this happen. In the following paragraphs, we are going [...]


TOP 10 Important LFD alerts to be monitored

When you leave the house, you make sure that doors are locked. The reason behind this is that you do not anyone to enter your private property. Speaking of a Shared hosting environment there are 1000’s of websites/domains hosted on the single web server. This is where you store the data which is quite confidential/important and you do not want anyone to get access to this. As you know there are malicious hackers around the world that are looking [...]


What is the reason email goes into the junk folder instead of Inbox?

Fed Up? Really? What is the reason email goes into the junk folder instead of Inbox? Well, this is a very known issue if you are not managing your mail server properly and allowing bulk emailing and regular spamming on server.  Mail servers IP reputation is very important and you need to maintain good reputation with some good policies implemented on mail server. Especially if you are offering business email services to premium clients and can be really frustrating. Today these [...]


Security and Important Benefits of using Cloudlinux.

What is CloudLinux ? Cloudlinux provides cloudlinux operating system mainly a OS, which is a modified kernel based on an OpenVZ kernel and with just few steps it is easily interchangeable with the current CentOS kernel. Working in a shared hosting environment can be quite challenging and more importantly you need to keep the resources intact thus not allow to abuse the server resources. There are situations when there is a sudden spike in the resource usage or an increase [...]