
cPanel to DirectAdmin Migration

cPanel to Directadmin Migration Guide

cPanel to Directadmin Migration Guide Since the license cost for cPanel has been increased, Many users are finding it difficult to digest the new license cost from cpanel. We have been getting many requests for cpanel migration to directadmin servers and have been actively supporting  the migrations for our clients. However its best to share this migration procedure with the users who are looking to migrate their servers towards direct-admin. Click the given link below. Cpanel to DirectAdmin Migration Steps This simple [...]


Comparison of CPanel vs Plesk vs DirectAdmin

cPanel A UNIX based web hosting control panel, that simplifies web we hosting through automation tools and consumer interface. CPanel has a capability to paintings as virtual private server or as a dedicated server. CPanel is brief for manage panel that is a software application mounted for your net hosts server to offer clean management of your server area and packages. CPanel simplifies many commonplace website administration obligations which include database, website report and e mail account management with an intuitive [...]


How to find your server is under DDOS Attack

Here is a command line to run on your server if you think your server is under DDOS attack.  The commands given below prints out list of open connections on your server and sorts them by connection amount. RedHat: netstat -ntu | awk ‘{print $5}’ | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n BSD: netstat -na |awk ‘{print $5}’ |cut -d “.” -f1,2,3,4 |sort |uniq -c |sort -n You can also check for connections by running the following command. netstat -plan [...]


Install AWStats On DirectAdmin

You Can Install AWstats On DirectAdmin Using The Following Steps cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild nano options.conf change “awstats=no” to “awstats=yes” ./build update ./build awstats nano /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf change “”awstats=0” “awstats=1” cd /usr/local/directadmin/scripts ./ echo ‘action=tally&value=all’ >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue /usr/local/directadmin/dataskq d /etc/init.d/directadmin restart  


How To Update Apache To Latest Version On DirectAdmin Server?

Here are the steps to update Apache to latest version for direct-admin server First check current version of apache: / usr/sbin/httpd -v CustomBuild – current If you’re using custombuild (as most new boxes are), run the following cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild ./build update ./build apache ./build php n ./build rewrite_confs CustomApache – end-of-life If you are using customapache with the 1.3 version of apache to the most recent, run the following: cd /usr/local/directadmin/customapache ./build clean ./build update ./build apache_mod_ssl If you’re using apache 2.x, use “./build apache_2” isntead of apache_mod_ssl. This should update both the configure options and the [...]


Upgrading MySQL From 5.5.29 To 5.5.30 On DirectAdmin Server

Upgrading MySQL From 5.5.29 To 5.5.30 On Direct Admin Server I am not sure if the following error gets fixed by doing a MySQL upgrade to the latest version, But it did worked for us So you can give a try. [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Sort aborted: Server shutdown in progress Problem appears with sites not being able to access database and some times later it starts working. TO fix the problem Just follow the simple steps provided below to upgrade mysql. Login into the [...]