

Expert Tips for MySQL Server Optimization

Effective database optimization can help you to avoid many performance issues that can occur while administering or creating applications with MySQL Server. From the initial configuration of the server to the design of the database structure and population of tables, principles of database optimization should be carefully implemented. This article provides proven MySQL optimization techniques that you can use to improve the performance of your database and web applications. Optimize Database Server Hardware The projected size of the database and the [...]


Get cPanel, Go Proactive with first-class control

Enterprises are looking at Linux Servers for hassle-free IT solutions and business growth. Servers need to be up and running on a 24×7 basis for greater business visibility and continuity. Be it Virtual Private Servers or a high-performance dedicated system, server hosts, vendors and clients require an easy to use control panel for various server functions and features. cPanel is one of the most powerful, reliable and intuitive control panel for Linux Servers. It’s just awesome !! The power of [...]


How to uninstall Cloudlinux from cpanel

Uninstall Cloudlinux from cPanel  : # wget -O cldeploy # sh cldeploy -c Please, note that some of the packages from CloudLinux repo will still be present. They are same as CentOS packages, and don’t have to be removed. They will be updated in the future from CentOS repositories, as new versions come out. You can use below steps further: 1) Check if your server is Cloudlinux installed in it using below command. # /usr/local/cpanel/bin/cloudlinux_system_install -c 2) Update your CentOS-provided RPMs # yum upgrade -y 3) Rebuild [...]


Tweaks to prevent Spamming on cPanel server

Spamming on cPanel server is very common if you have not applied any security and not taken proper steps to secure it. Exim mail server comes by default with cpanel and allows tweaks and settings to stop spamming on the server. In the following technical post we will show you to follow the tips and settings on cpanel server. Tweaks to prevent Spamming on cPanel server  Exim Configuration Manager 1. Login to WHM control panel by using root user 2. Goto Main [...]


How to reset WordPress admin password via command line

We can reset WordPress admin passwords via command line in cPanel server for domains. First, we need to find which Database is used by the domain for WordPress. You can find it via checking the Database name given in the file ‘wp-config.php’. Upon finding that, login to MySQL prompt. # mysql mysql> use databasename; where databasename is the database in which WordPress is installed. mysql> SELECT ID,user_login,user_pass FROM wp_users; +—-+————+————————————+ | ID | user_login | user_pass | +—-+————+————————————+ | 1 | admin | $P$B05GJOhuMCFlxtYsYjA8P/sX0svNw81 | mysql> UPDATE wp_users SET user_pass [...]


How to Clean Eximstats Database

Generally eximstats database looks very small in size when Cpanel is installed. The database is setup by default when Cpanel installation on the server is completed. So what exactly is this database for. As the name suggests “exim stats” its clear that this mysql database generates statistics from exim main log file or syslog file.  But there is one issue with this database as over the time the size of this database gets increasing day by day depending on the log [...]


How to configure clustered nameservers on cPanel server

As you know the importance of having clustered nameservers on cPanel servers, once you setup DNS cluster then the chance for DNS appears down will be lowered.  This will be applicable for the user’s having more than one cPanel server, this can be done easily from your WHM. For that please follow the steps that we have mentioned below, 1. Make sure that you have enabled DNS Clustering on both your servers. This can be done from WHM, for that go [...]


How to change timezone for MySQL on a cPanel server

For many of the websites there will be different time elements used for displaying time. It will use the server time this, but in some cases we need to have different time for the website and it is not possible to change the server time. So in that case we can change the timezone for MySQL to keep the website updated with the required timezone. For that first you need to know the function that will display the timezone for MySQL, [...]


How to check mysql processlist on a cPanel server

There are different ways for checking mysql processlist from a cPanel server. As you all know for most of the production server it is needed to check mysql process list for checking the currently running queries and for finding slow queries that slow down the website loading speed. You can check MySQL process list from command line in the following ways, Enter into mysql from command line using the command, mysql After that use the command, show processlist; For example: root@srv24x7 [~]# mysql Welcome to the MySQL [...]


Issue related with WORDPRESS :: XMLRPC.PHP ATTACK!

WordPress is the most targeted CMS nowadays and needs to be updated regularly. Recently I have seen attacks on wordpress :: xmlrpc.php using POST requests and the attack is large enough to take down / freeze the server. The top or ps aufxw shows most of the xmlrpc.php requests as below : successroute4414 1.3 0.4 85512 35544 ? R 20:57 0:00 | \_ /usr/bin/php /home/successroute/public_html/wordpress/xmlrpc.php nobody 3876 0.0 0.1 25936 10852 ? S 20:52 0:00 \_ /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k start -DSSL successroute 4413 1.3 0.4 [...]